Pack & Ship

Amazon QR Codes

Unfortunately, we cannot take the QR codes for Amazon Returns. But there is a way to get it shipped!

Due to Amazon's return process, only The UPS Store® can take their QR codes. The nearest one to our location is in Lewiston, ID, but if you don't want to drive all that way, you can exchange it for a shipping label. You will need to cancel the return you already have with the QR code, and re-apply for a new return.

Simply log in to your Amazon account, go to the Returns & Orders page, and select the item you are returning.

Cancel that return, then re-apply for it, filling out why you are returning it and how you want your money refunded. 

When you see this option, make sure you choose the UPS Dropoff option, rather than the The UPS Store® option. That will get you a shipping label rather than a QR code. Print it and take it on over to Kamiah Shipping! Don't have a printer? Just email it to and we can print it for you.

If this isn't working, you can call or email Amazon's customer service and ask for a shipping label, since you don't live near The UPS Store®.

Amazon's phone number: 1-888-280-4331

Email Address:


Replacements: In the event that you have requested a replacement when filling out the return, and you have the QR code, then due to our limitations, we are unable to take that return at our store. So your options are 1) to either travel to Lewiston, ID to return your package or 2) request a return shipping label from Amazon via their customer service contacts mentioned above. We are sorry for any inconvenience that may be caused.   

Have A Question About Amazon QR Codes?

Call (208) 494-4801 today to learn more or if you’d like to send an email message, click the button below.

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